While COVID continues to redefine my world I took an opportunity to explore the Ballard neighborhood of Seattle.
Ballard has a nice downtown area with restaurants, shops, and bars. None of those met my vision of a COVID safe exploration.
Looking at the health streets map, I discovered that 17th street is closed starting just a few blocks north of Marke Street.
Walking north on 17th I made my way up to 70th where I took a right and went 3 blocks (West) to Salmon Bay Park.

You could easily spend a few hours in this park playing on the playground, picnicking on blankets, or enjoying some outdoor Yoga.

From the park I headed down 21st street back towards Market street, winding my way over to the health street to finish my loop.

It was an effervescent afternoon exploring a new part of Seattle, safely outdoors, masked and distant from others.