Monday, October 8, 2012

Century Training Week 6

Week 6 of training and these entries are becoming popular, so popular in fact that Google Ads thought I should advertise for bikes in my blog =). This week was close to a failure for century training, WE had a huge weather shift and my motivation hit rock bottom. So here it the weeks re-cap

Trek Wahoo
Monday: Cross training 1 mile walk
Tuesday: Nothing
Wednesday: Snow!
Thursday: Cross training 1 mile walk
Friday: Nothing
Saturday: Cross training 5 mile walk
Sunday: Cross training 1.5 mile walk

This is the Bike that I have been using over the past month, the Trek Wahoo, and at the end of this post are a whole bunch of bikes that Google ads is affiliated with if you want to do a bit of bike shopping =)



  1. Motivation can certainly pick back up again after a week off. I love that google ads noticed what you were doing so quickly! Better luck training this week. Wish I could go for a bike ride with you!

  2. Google Ads is smart indeed. This week is already going better, i think i just needed a week of lazy =)
