Sunday, March 24, 2013

Kilgore oil museum

Texas Oil Museum

At $7 a person and no student discount we were skeptical to say the least. The museum at the entrance was sub par and the option to have a volunteer walk through the museum or use an antiquated MP3 device for the audio since the displays did not have text accompaniment furthered our skepticism. The intro video was poorly tracked and the main exhibit hall was poorly maintained, as can be seen in this photo.

The final room in the main exhibit hall did have some informative videos on Fracking, even if they left out what the "other" is and if they made facking seem like the critical component in human existence  It is an oil museum, I guess that to be expected, not a two sided tale but one of the great patriotic realization.  The room was also home to some fantastic belt buckles that I am dying to find for myself.

Than we glanced at some nondescript doors and noticed that the museum had another exhibit hall. Upon entry the Kilgore boom town of the 1930's came it live in an amazing interactive way awaiting our discovery

Talking electrical worker, welcoming you to town

newspaper man getting the latest story

The barber telling town tales

Roughneck poem true across boomtown time

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you found that extra room at the end! That seems like it livened things up a bit!
