Saturday, January 31, 2015

The Why of Work: The Satisfaction of a Genuine Contribution

As my post at the end of September alluded I have been on a journey reading and processing the book "The Why of Work" By Dave and Wendy Ulrich. The Ulriches and the book have a web site: . After quickly being captured by some startling research and time contemplating the section titled 'Leaders who focus on Meaning create an abundant response', I took a few weeks to think about the "Seven Questions that Drive Abundance". In this examination I am reviewing what they Ulrich's write on employee contributions.

"As a leader, you create a more abundant organization when you help employees clarify their personal identity and enhance their signature strengths and then help them see how those strengths fit with the goals and values of the organization."

The Ulrich's suggest a 5 step process to achieve this:
1. Help employees define and grow their personal strengths. - There is a web site that offers a survey "VIA Survey of Character Strengths". A baseline tool to support your employees identifying their strengths. 
2. Define and build organizational capabilities required for success.
3. Meld personal strengths and organizational capabilities.
4. Determine customer and investor expectations.
5. Connect both personal and organizational identities with the needs of customers and investors.

In the non profit world this seems like an overwhelming task and I initially wonder is it even worth is considering the high turn over rate our sector is faced with. I wonder about myself and can think of times that i have been given a task that built the organizational capacity that also utilized and strengthened by personal strengths. These projects as stand along projects were a value added investment to the organization regardless of the length of time I stayed in my position. In honest reflection these projects expanded my time with the organization as an employee.

When I was working in a youth mentoring program our volunteers would fill out an interest survey that we used to match them with a youth who shared similar interests. I am confidant that a similar system could be used for both staff and volunteers to identify who is best suited to tasks needed to meet customer (Client) and investor (donor) expectations. 

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

The Why of Work: 7 Questions

As my post at the end of September alluded I have been on a journey reading and processing the book "The Why of Work" By Dave and Wendy Ulrich. The Ulriches and the book have a web site: . After quickly being captured by some startling research and time contemplating the section titled 'Leaders who focus on Meaning create an abundant response', I am now ready to think on the "Seven Questions that Drive Abundance"

1. What am I known For?  (identity) Research is showing that when we identify and regularly use our signature strengths life becomes more meaningful and satisfying. What makes me happy in the long run? At this juncture, challenge and success at work with the capacity to travel, explore and enjoy the opportunities life presents to me. What do I want to be know for? Someone who has the capacity and the energy to tackle and succeed with projects that are above my current capacity.

2. Where am I going? (motivation and purpose) leaders create purposeful organizations that help employees' personal ambitious match organizational goals.

3. Whom Do I Travel With? (Relationships and Teamwork)

4. How Do I Build a Positive Work Environment? (Effective Work Culture or Setting) 
- Promote good communication
-Development opportunities
- Pleasant physical facilities - This is something that the non profit sector struggles with. When operating on donor generosity it is often challenging to justify spending money on pleasant physical facilities. Things that have been successful and engaging for my volunteers while have little to no cost are things such as having a volunteer come in and decorate for the holidays, building boards that change and rearranging offices. In terms of employee moral, I would argue that its worth the $300 on a nice office chair is more than worth it when it makes your paid staff physically comfortable and will keep them working for you longer.
- Encourage self reflection

5. What Challenges Interest Me? (Personalized contributions)

6. How do I respond to Disposability and Change? (Growth, Learning and Resilience)

7. What delights me? (Civility and Happiness) Look for and rejoice in the different ways people find sweetness in life, going beyond civility to delight. Delight often comes in small packages. Today for example the catnip seed I ordered arrived and I was delighted by the small package =)