Service Unites: Conference on Volunteering and Service
Atlanta Georgia. June 16-18 2014
Convened by: Points of Light
Title Sponsor: UPS
4560 – Faith-Based and Diverse Community Disaster Preparedness Summit
The first 72 Hours – this is the title for a shelter in
place disaster kit initiative
In post disaster we work with our communities to return to
the new normal
Praise and Preparedness–
Facility safety checklist for our faith based
partners. If something happened when people are in the building do they know
what to do and dose the facility have 72hours supplies?
Be very specific in what you want from your
faith based community
7th day latter day saints
missionaries to spread preparedness messages
Disasters do not discriminate and neither do we
Faith preparedness summits county by county
Meeting planning at various locations and send
out etiquette messages pre meting
4946 – Thought Leadership: How Do You Embed Civic and Community Values in a
Mass Mutual is building up a volunteer program
Morgan Stanley Foundation – Suzanne Brown
The Civic 50 as a conversation as partnering with businesses
Global Citizenship – Fed Ex Julia Chioskie Community Affairs
Think of CSR as a portfolio and have it filled with diverse
State Street Corporation Boston – Regina McNalley: Requires
non profit board service to be promoted to executive level.
Opening Session
Lessons from history makers to change makers – Congressman John
Lewis, Ambassador Andrew Young, Dr Bernice King and Reverend CT. Vivian
discussed their experiences as frontrunners to change and how that change is
one they have continued to work towards their entire life.
Social Change 2.0 – Chelsea Clinton, Mayor Dayne Walling,
Kweku Mandela and Bethaney Wright discussed how to engage the upcoming generation
to be the leaders of social change.
4875 – Pathway to Excellence: Proving Your Professional Competence Breakfast
5 competencies for volunteer administrators
Organizational Management
Human Resource Management
Leadership and Advocacy.
“from the top down”
Write about volunteer management
Performance reviews based on the competencies
Professional certification
Direction power – know where you want to go
Write about practical experience as a way to become a leader
in the field, also a door to working in higher education
4623 – Mobilizing Low – Income Volunteers through Economic Opportunity
United Way as host agency for AmeriCorps Programs
Volunteerism embedded into the community
CNCS volunteering is connected to Employment
Incentives motivate 18% of volunteers
Volunteer opportunities based within low income housing
$25 rent credit with a minimum of 4 hours of
volunteering per month
Set expectations of professional conduct as a
Move from begging to choosing
The movement from all hands to skilled hands
5031 – Mini Session: Volunteer Engagement Practices
Speakers: Karen Bantuverus, Katelin Kennedy, Art Ordoqui,
Kendall Stiles
Hands on activity idea: Building neighborhood preparedness
and social packets to give out in their neighborhoods.
Great for shelter workers
Front desk volunteers
Leadership level volunteers
Hilton employees will be trained to present this
by next year
Volunteer Spot –
UPS 20million volunteer hours by 2020 – can we make this a
local connection?
Kendall Stiles – Sharing moments of recognition everyday
(requested slides)
Recognition on social network for volunteers
Twibbon – with social volunteers
Live stream presentations its free for non-profits
Wufoo – form builder
Nominate daily points of light winners
Thanks a latte – 5 service project and a local vendor
donates a free latte
4821 – Professional Development: Women in Leadership Fireside Chat
If you don’t get lost every once in a while you must be on
someone else’s path
Richard Branson – risk taker
Virgin Unite – let people be their whole self at work
Jane Tuwson – Comic Relief
Kathy Calvin – UN Foundation
Mary Robinson – Ireland
Incorporate language of those your speaking with be it
business or government
Follow your purpose and stay consistent to it
Reba Dominski – Target
Anne Cunningham – Starbucks
Lori Billingsley – Coke
15 year vision
Get a mentor
Tell your story
Know what you offer
Know what you need
When asking have the plan and the time frame
Identify you gaps and look for options to build your skill
Confidence is more important than competence
Look @ your track record
Work someplace where your treasured
Save your treasure so when you want to retire you can
Be you – that’s where doors open and you are fulfilled
Assume positive intent
Seek to understand and educate
Daily affirmations
4970 – Captain Planet – An Environment for Effective Partnerships: Tales of
Collaboration Told through Atlanta’s River and Green spaces (#NCVS4970)
Three different environmental groups presented with a representative
from one of their primary corporate partners
Captain planet – school environmental curriculum
Partnerships as an opportunity to network and learn
Communicate back with partners about how the work they are
doing supports us
Partner volunteer leads to employee fulfillment
Dow jones sustainability index
5032 – Mini Session: Ways to engage targeted populations
Speakers: Kimberly Gube and Zeeda Magnuson
Summit – bring corporate partners & NGO’s leaders to
explore tools that can enhance the work of the NGO – 6 hours, 6 sessions
Survey NGO’s for topics
Corporate partners offered consultation services
Get sponsorships for those presenting
$25 fee for non-profit to get list and prevent no shows
Zeeda Magnuson @ handson Twin Cities
Tables for org’s out front and to ask their contacts as
Millennials are on track to be the most educated generation
in history
Talk to your friends about us is a great way to mobilize millennials
One day events engage millennials – canvassing
4708 – Fostering a culture of service: strategies of U.S. and International
Leaders (#NCVS4708)
Mexico volunteer culture is less defined; they have a very
large informal sector. Needs greater policy support. Bachelor’s degrees require
120hrs of service
Nigeria has groups in each community called aid groups who
have to pay to be in it and they care for the community. If you don’t belong to
one of these groups you don’t get funereal rights when you die. Nationwide
service is mandatory post university where you are placed in a different place
in the country
Columbia is in the perfect position for service to develop.
Service has traditional been seen as related to the catholic church but this is
changing. Government is starting to adopt youth volunteering model
Pakistan has no general volunteer culture but lots of
opportunities for those who want to do it. Only nation in the world with a
chain of hospitals that treat cancer for free.
India has a culture of volunteering around religion. Service
has become a major political capitol and has engaged youth. Volunteering has
moved towards building capacity in the community. Recent legislation now requires
all businesses to make a social responsibility contribution of 2% annually.
Spain – informal volunteering is common. NGO’s are seen as
part of the system. Technology is key to service engagement.
Service as part of culture/ mandatory VS volunteering
Training programs needed as service culture develops.
Connecting potential with opportunities
Mobil footprint to generate change
Open streets map
Teach for Pakistan
Nigeria has para military who are paid pseudo volunteers to
provide opportunities for you who in the past were causing issues.
Intuit is a big preparedness focused agency and are growing
CSR is a growing trend
Engage in smaller groups
Carl Trilphorn – peace corps
Ugly Indian – crowd sourced cleanup crews
Closing Plenary: Redefining our story
Beyond right and wrong a guide to changing the world around
Skittles as the magic and power of diversity and us all in
the package together
Income dose not determine outcome
National human tariffing hotline
Everyday Cambodia
State ratings on trafficking
Know the
Reagan deep and mighty river that flows through our nation
When did you do your service?
2015 you serve fundraiser
Citibank 1million American corps commitment = service works
General Resources Shared: