Sunday, July 17, 2011

Former Staff as Volunteers

Welcoming former staff back as volunteers is a great way to keep connected and to access individuals who are skilled as well as have an in-depth knowledge and understanding of your operation. I have recently encountered a learning experience when our summer camp welcomed two former heads of departments back for a three week volunteering experience. 

Summer Camp
These volunteers had been involved in our camp for over 5 summer seasons, each rising to lead their respective departments during their time on staff. They came with the desire to give back to our community, intending to take on a large scale but relatively isolated project and to use their free time to help out in the departments that they had once lead. 

Very little was given to them in way of an induction of their volunteer process and they both eagerly jumped in to their former departments excited to begin to contribute. Their presence and understanding created challenges. In one department the volunteer took it upon himself to complete all of the "fun" jobs, depriving the staff who had been working towards these fun jobs the opportunity to participate in them. 

In the second department the volunteer entered in and took on a leadership role, undermining the authority of the pre-existing leader, causing feelings of degradation among the lower ranked staff, and making programmatic changes that created future challenges within the department.

The volunteers were oblivious to the negative feelings that had transpired and were under the perception that they were accomplished thier objective of giving back to the community they love.

The upper level management (who had welcomed their former employees back to the community) were un-aware of the conflict that was brewing within their departments.

After the negative feelings had begun to brew the two departments approached the upper level management and requested a conversation regarding the volunteers. During this meeting all members of the departmens affected by the volunteers as well as the upper management. A closed door meeting was held where everyone was given the opportunity to express their preception of the situation, propose their ideal situation as well as what they viewed as compromises. 

Following this closed door meeting the executive director met with the volunteers to discuss a plan for moving forward. The volunteers both felt quite badly about how things had transpired. One offered to dedicate his full efforts to the project they had originally come to work on and to no longer work in his old department. The other volunteer requested some time to think about this and to have a meeting with the department she was the former head of.

In summary, two former heads of departments returned to volunteer in the departments they used to run and approached the situation with strong personalities and a mindset that they were there to run the department again.

The take away learning from this is to have a conversation with returning staff members about how their are new competent people in their former positions and that their role is to follow the lead of the staff member, that their role is to be an assistant not a leader. Potentially working with current staff to carve out places for the volunteer to lead activities within the parameters set by the current staff

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Computer Exploration Lesson Plan

I have been sorting through the boxes of my childhood and came across this lesson plan I must have made in middle school.... This is the typed version of it, trying to cut down on the amount of "things" and thought this could easily be saved and put digital =). I think at one point I probably had created all the material that is referenced here, but that has been lost in time. In general I just think I was a super cute nerdy child =)

Class Size: 4 or 6
Task Time: 30 Minuets
Break Time: 10 Minuets

Day 1
9:00 Take attendance
9:05 Introduce yourself (write on board, say, wear a name tag)
9:10 Students stand up and say their names
9:20 Color pictures from a coloring book
9:30 Break (go potty, get a drink of water)
9:40 Show Materials and answer questions
10:00 Hand out computer book
10:10 Break (same)
10:20 Do first activity
10:40 Quiet goal setting time, students make ribbons for when they meet their goals
11:00 Read story 1
11:10 Break
11:20 Chalk computer parts(students chose of computers)
11:40 Clean up room
11:50 Parents arrive

Day 2
9:00 Color 2 pictures from the book
9:10 do demonstration by showing computer their disassembling and the parts they have colored compare similarities of the pictures colored NOT THE DIFFERENCES
9:30 Break
9:40 Read about disk drive
10:00 do Journal #1
10:15 Give children hard disk to utilize (look at/ disassemble) in room
10:30 Break
10:40 look at different disk drives in pictures
11:05 Discussion kids ask questions and talk in a group
11:15 play "the way things work" in pairs on the computer section
11:50 end game parents arrive

Day 3
9:00 Game #1 Prep
9:30 Break
9:40 Snack
9:50 continue working on game 1
10:30 Break
10:40 keep working on Game 1
11:30 stop work and clean up
11:50 parents come

Day 4

9:00 finish prep on Game #1
9:45 Break
9:55 go into rooms and do journal #2
10:20 make 2 teams and race the clock assembling the 3d disk drive
10:50 go to computer lab and start assembling disk drive
11:20 Break
11:30 Continue activity from 10:50
11:45 Get ready to go
11:50 parents come

Day 5
9:00 work on disk drive (if finished pay with extra parts)
10:00 Break
10:10 Clean up (store drive in cabinet)
10:20 Paint ( Put on over head picture #1)
11:00 Break
11:10 Hand out mice parts to be assembled (let kids play with them)
11:44 Clean up
11:55 Parents arrive

Day 6
9:00Hand out picture #2 along with Picture #3 and a part book listing part names and uses
9:10 start assembling mince
10:00 Break
10:10 Do Journal #3
10:30 Break
10:40 Keep working on mice
11:40 Clean up
11:50 parents arrive

Day 7
9:00 pass around live mouse than pass around computer mouse
9:20 Journal #4
9:40 work on mice
10:20 Break
10:30 Bring out items and have students create a mouse oout of them (real or computer)
11:30 time in small room
11:50 parents come

Week 2
* during this week kids will be allowed to work more freely be sure to take pictures
* In each little room put all info needed for each part
     Room 1 - Keyboard and attaching mouse
     Room 2 - Laser
     Room 3 - Electric Motor
     4,5,6 - keep as quiet rooms

Day 8
9:00 give out Pict #4 and following to do list
- in room 1 you will find all info to put together a keyboard (parks in box on desk)
- On Art table you will find paper to pain a keyboard
- on the bored is the journal question #5
9:10 tell them they have 3 days and you will call breaks
10:30 snack and Break
10:50 start work
11:30 break
11:40 Clean up
11:50 parents arrive

Day 9
9:00 start working on list
10:30 Break

10:40 start work
11:30 break
11:40 Clean up
11:50 parents arrive

Day 10
(same as day 9)

Student Supply list
1 folder (no pictures)
1 Box of crayons/ colored pencils
1 box of water colors
5 1 subject notebooks

would like
1 box of crackers
juice boxes
2 liters of juice
paper cups
paper plates