Saturday, February 13, 2021

Valentine's Snowday

 The first real snow in Seattle was pure magic.

Growing up in the midwest, we enjoyed the snow, but it was an infrequent occurrence when the whole community all went outside to play in the snow on the same day.

Snow in Seattle brought everyone outside

The cafes were busy with takeout orders, fire pits were on sidewalks across the city.
Valentines decorations looked enchanting under the fresh snow
Skiing on the streets, sledding down every hill, snowshoeing across the parks and a few snowboarders creating jumps on driveways.

As I continue to explore my new city today, I ventured along the snow-covered streets up Phinny Ridge and around Green Lake embracing the winter excitement.  

Saturday, February 6, 2021

Localized adventures

 The past few weeks have brought me more localized in my adventures.

Trips to Seattle park spaces have included:

Ballard Locks

Sunset Park

Golden Gardens Park

Seaward Park

Thyme Patch Park

24th Ave Public Dock

Coleman Park

and today, into Shoreline to visit Richmond Beach Saltwater Park

Sunday, January 3, 2021

2021 Donation Guide

My favorite tradition of the new year and thinking about how we want to make philanthropic decisions for the next year.

Last year, the donations at the start of the year was an incredibly good idea. I had made a resolution that I would learn more about water in 2020. In a year that had so many priorities and challenges the urgency of climate and water challenges often fell to the side. Due to our January donations and my new found time to read books I ended 2020 having accomplished my goals. I had helped keep climate action groups going and I personally had learned more about water.

See our 2020 Donation Post here:  

This year we had long conversations about what we wanted to do this year. We quickly agreed that we wanted to support BIPOC, LGBTQ+, and women. 

Starting with the traditional charity idea, I did some reading and had a few important takeaways.

- Equity, thinking about how our modest donations could help tip the scales towards greater equity.

- Due to historic inequities in funding, voices (ideas, stories, businesses, inventions) from BIPOC, LGBTQ+, and women have not had an equitable chance. 

- The donor designation dynamic has created limitations.

- The need to not only create direct charity programs but to go deeper, thinking root cause and how to support that. Is it advocacy, education, employment, wealth creation?

Reflecting on this, I started to think about small investments in startups. Finding startup founders who identified as BIPOC, LGBTQ+, or female. Explored a few apps (Republic & WeFunder), both had a good selection of businesses. The drawback came down to that these would be donations that we would potentially be engaged with for many years, any startup that got off the ground, we would be an early investor of. This multi-year management was not for us at this time.

I pivoted to exploring Donors Choose, looking at classroom funding. How to invest in the education of BIPOC, LGBTQ+, and girls.  I have used this platform in past years for donating and genuinely enjoyed the experience. I came across some great projects, that helped me understand that this year I actually want to donate to BIPOC, LGBTQ+, and women businesses/creations.  (Classic example of donors' feelings above anything else being the driver for donations).

So tonight we landed on Kickstarter as the platform for this year's donations. We each had an equal dollar amount and with the guidelines of BIPOC, LGBTQ+, and women we started searching. The goal here was not to fund things that we wanted or thought would be successful. Not to judge if the proposal or plan was good. Only to find ideas lead by BIPOC, LGBTQ+, or women, where they are who we are supporting. 

We ended with a HUGE array of ideas that we backed.

Shop Sugar Clothing

Valleto Dance

Rofhiwa Book Store  

Antarktikos Magazine

Aseda - Artist & Musician 

Urban Dreams, Music and Art program

Sam - Comic Artist

Jank - Debut Album

Krafty Kravings Cookie Company

LGBT Cat Pins

Black-Owned Radio Station

Alma Ocean Kiddy Pools

A bunny sweatshirt

A diverse writer residency

A solar charging system 

I continue to volunteer a few hours each month with the Red Cross and we have recently begun to explore other volunteer opportunities in the area, hope to add additional organizations to our volunteering list this year.

As in years past the goal of sharing these is to help shine additional light into the work being done and to hopefully encourage you to make a positive impact as part of your plan for 2021.