Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Self- Awareness for Leaders, Employees and Organizations.

As my post at the end of September alluded I have been on a journey reading and processing the book "The Why of Work" By Dave and Wendy Ulrich. The Ulriches and the book have a web site: . 

After quickly being captured by some startling research and time contemplating the section titled 'Leaders who focus on Meaning create an abundant response', I took a few weeks to think about the "Seven Questions that Drive Abundance". Last week I reviewed employee contributions thus naturally bringing me to self - awareness.

The Ulrich's challenge readers to: "for 20 minutes, write whatever comes to mind describing what your life would look like five years from today if you had become your best self and all your dreams were realized."

I spent an afternoon with my husband looking into our future. I ask him to do this with me from time to time as I sense that major life decisions are upon us. The next 20 min of reflection and writing are based upon this long term vision we have for ourselves.

In five years time.
- We will have both secured career focused jobs in the sectors we desire in a top choice location.
- We will physically be healthy with opportunities to do engaging physically activities.
- Our interactions with community will be mentally and creatively engaging.
Our child will be adopted and be successfully transiting into our family.
- We will have diversified savings.
- We will no longer be renters.
- Our lifestyle will be reflective of our beliefs, alternative energy, quality food, positively sourced goods.
- Our concepts of the world will have readjusted as we have had the opportunity to meaningfully engage with a nation we have never visited.
- We will smile often
- Visit family and friends
- Be in pursuit of an idea that we had ( we have these all the time but have yet to dive in).

When I conceptualize this so very much revolves around physical space and a feeling within my community. Having moved and lived all over the world a strong sense of hometown is not a priority but a home that I love and a community that I am genuinely connected with are a priority. 

So much unknown in the years ahead, I guess most of life since completion of undergrad has been this way. The path not clearly marked and like on so many hikes you are not quite sure what you will find at the end but the whole experience is the purpose of the hike, if you wanted a vista or overlook you could have driven to it and saved the time and energy.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Pushing my knowlage

I love organic, local, vegetarian food and the movement that surrounds it. A hint that I might need to re think this...