Wednesday, August 29, 2012

same local problems across the nation

Truly heart breaking to know that so so many of our communities across the nation are grappling with the realities of powerful companies engaging in frackin. Each community is having its individual challenges, however we are all the same overarching challenge, how do we make our local and individual voices heard against these multi billion dollar companies? How do we recognize the progress they bring to us and still confront the damage? We need a leader and a voice to bring us all strength and a space to share and gain power to make changes.

Destroying Precious Land for Gas

ON the northern tip of Delaware County, N.Y., where the Catskill Mountains curl up into little kitten hills, and Ouleout Creek slithers north into the Susquehanna River, there is a farm my parents bought before I was born. My earliest memories there are of skipping stones with my father and drinking unpasteurized milk. There are bald eagles and majestic pines, honeybees and raspberries. My mother even planted a ring of white birch trees around the property for protection.
A few months ago I was asked by a neighbor near our farm to attend a town meeting at the local high school. Some gas companies at the meeting were trying very hard to sell us on a plan to tear through our wilderness and make room for a new pipeline: infrastructure for hydraulic fracturing. Most of the residents at the meeting, many of them organic farmers, were openly defiant. The gas companies didn’t seem to care. They gave us the feeling that whether we liked it or not, they were going to fracture our little town.
In the late ’70s, when Manhattanites like Andy Warhol and Bianca Jagger were turning Montauk and East Hampton into an epicurean Shangri-La for the Studio 54 crowd, my parents, John Lennon and Yoko Ono, were looking to become amateur dairy farmers. My first introduction to a cow was being taught how to milk it by hand. I’ll never forget the realization that fresh milk could be so much sweeter than what we bought in grocery stores. Although I was rarely able to persuade my schoolmates to leave Long Island for what seemed to them an unreasonably rural escapade, I was lucky enough to experience trout fishing instead of tennis lessons, swimming holes instead of swimming pools and campfires instead of cable television.
Though my father died when I was 5, I have always felt lucky to live on land he loved dearly; land in an area that is now on the verge of being destroyed. When the gas companies showed up in our backyard, I felt I needed to do some research. I looked into Pennsylvania, where hundreds of families have been left with ruined drinking water, toxic fumes in the air, industrialized landscapes, thousands of trucks and new roads crosshatching the wilderness, and a devastating and irreversible decline in property value.
Natural gas has been sold as clean energy. But when the gas comes from fracturing bedrock with about five million gallons of toxic water per well, the word “clean” takes on a disturbingly Orwellian tone. Don’t be fooled. Fracking for shale gas is in truth dirty energy. It inevitably leaks toxic chemicals into the air and water. Industry studies show that 5 percent of wells can leak immediately, and 60 percent over 30 years. There is no such thing as pipes and concrete that won’t eventually break down. It releases a cocktail of chemicals from a menu of more than 600 toxic substances, climate-changing methane, radium and, of course, uranium.
New York is lucky enough to have some of the best drinking water in the world. The well water on my family’s farm comes from the same watersheds that supply all the reservoirs in New York State. That means if our tap water gets dirty, so does New York City’s.
Gas produced this way is not climate- friendly. Within the first 20 years, methane escaping from within and around the wells, pipelines and compressor stations is 105 times more powerful a greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide. With more than a tiny amount of methane leakage, this gas is as bad as coal is for the climate; and since over half the wells leak eventually, it is not a small amount. Even more important, shale gas contains one of the earth’s largest carbon reserves, many times more than our atmosphere can absorb. Burning more than a small fraction of it will render the climate unlivable, raise the price of food and make coastlines unstable for generations.
Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, when speaking for “the voices in the sensible center,” seems to think the New York State Association of County Health Officials, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the New York State Nurses Association and the Medical Society of the State of New York, not to mention Dr. Anthony R. Ingraffea’s studies at Cornell University, are “loud voices at the extremes.” The mayor’s plan to “make sure that the gas is extracted carefully and in the right places” is akin to a smoker telling you, “Smoking lighter cigarettes in the right place at the right time makes it safe to smoke.”
Few people are aware that America’s Natural Gas Alliance has spent $80 million in a publicity campaign that includes the services of Hill and Knowlton — the public relations firm that through most of the ’50s and ’60s told America that tobacco had no verifiable links to cancer. Natural gas is clean, and cigarettes are healthy — talk about disinformation. To try to counteract this, my mother and I have started a group called Artists Against Fracking.
My father could have chosen to live anywhere. I suspect he chose to live here because being a New Yorker is not about class, race or even nationality; it’s about loving New York. Even the United States Geological Survey has said New York’s draft plan fails to protect drinking water supplies, and has also acknowledged the likely link between hydraulic fracturing and recent earthquakes in the Midwest. Surely the voice of the “sensible center” would ask to stop all hydraulic fracturing so that our water, our lives and our planet could be protected and preserved for generations to come.

Sean Lennon is a musician

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Around Dickinson

Two tales to tell today, first is that of Gambetto Coffee, for those who discovered this gem in the pizza hut parking lot we were privileged to have found the best coffee in town, the two main Batista knew what they were doing and the ingredients were fantastic. Sadly this hut has been closed and is for sale, with a price tag much beyond its worth. It still sits in the pizza hut parking lot, with a sad for sale sign and reminds us of those months of quality coffee in Dickinson.

One of the gems of Dickinson ND is the NDSU research extension. Last week after crab apple picking we wandered through the park and I captured bits that I wanted to share below.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Camp Roundup

Almost done with the interior section of the south unit, a couch surfing friend and I did the southern portion of the camp roundup trail. It was a beautiful august day and the four mile hike lead us to several wonderful views and gradual climbs. Would be a great path for middle school students. The parking is a bit odd, with no designated pull off space you end up putting your car partway in the grass. And no mammal life was seen during our hike.

Roundup Camp

Having a few poorly marked trails on my map that I wanted to get done I drove to the Roundup camp ground, the group camping site for those with horses. Feeling lost, I stopped in the campground to get directions to the trail markers and was pointed towards the river where I got on the Mike Auney Trail. This trail crossest the river and connects up near the petrified forest loop. However I was not dressed for a river crossing, so I wandered on the river bed, finding flowers, and an old propane tank before taking the trail back to its proper start. The Mike Auney Trail head on the east side of the river is located in the Roundup Campsite behind the picnic pavilion near the restrooms or can be accessed on the south side of the campground access road through a small clearing. The signs on this area of the trail are hard to find with many of them broken, the trail itself is poorly maintained and horses have made many other paths that could cause confusion, however its a lovely space in the park and worth a visit.

Wind Canyon

The Wind Canyon Nature Trial is the second most stunning trail I have hiked in the Theodore Roosevelt National Park. The following photographs are a sample of the awesome beauty of this short, child friendly nature trail located in the south unit.

Training for a century!

Working towards my goal .... nothing too crazy yet, a few bike rides to and from work, making a point to get out walking regularly and hope to get some good riding/ hiking done this weekend. Not being sure if the hike/ walk part of my life really has any impact i did some reading and found this

... provide some variety to your workout. Even more variety can be found in mountain biking or roller riding. This is important, because if training gets boring, it most likely gets less intense and possibly less frequent. So don't be afraid to try something new, even if that means competing in a USCF event or even a triathlon. Cross-training is also a bonus for distance cycling because overall body fitness is the key to fighting fatigue in long events. My weekly schedule includes running, hiking, weight lifting, Tae Kwon Do, racquetball, and ultimate frisbee and I am convinced this is an asset to me on the bike....(

The person who wrote this has done a double century, I think I can trust this advice =) During the same search I found this, that I think I will implement in September, way more than 10 weeks out, but if I can build up to it sooner why not =)

Century Training Plan
WeekLength of Long RideTotal Miles/Week
10Century RideYeah!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Minot North Dakota

On our way back from the Turtle Mountains we pass through Minot, interested in what the city had to offer and in serious need of coffee to keep us going.

Strolling our way through the downtown are was a wonderful experience, Finding the Black Iguana 109 South Maine Street was the start of something magical. Black Iguana is a art gallery/ workshop with a fantastic Batista and quality ingredients. ( ) After our caffeine fix we and a creative refresh we headed outside and got to chat with a cheese truck, talk about a yummy idea. 

Next stop was a funky basement art gallery. 62 Doors Gallery and Studio where we spent the next part of an hour chatting with resident artists and their friends. 
We simply fell in love with this space and the amazing artists who create there. 

Having more to see we wandered around downtown a bit

Before heading to the heritage park that had an abundance of fantastic photo opportunities.

great photos taken and we had to say our good bye to Minot, pleasantly surprised at its general awesomeness.