Sunday, March 2, 2014

Pen and paper journaling

I wake up in the morning feeling as if I am supposed to change the world, make a difference, all the cliché about having a positive impact. And I really feel/ think that. I know I do good things, that in my life I have made a positive impact on thousands of people, helped a handful of natural spaces and made a difference for a few furry friends. Every day I go to work and try to make my community a better place, but its not enough. I am not making a big enough impact. 

I am riddled with common challenges, feeling as if my potential is going un recognised, days that I am burnt out, days I worry about money, times I just want to give up and give into normalcy (or go live in the woods, or become a farmer or a builder or, or,or).

Time and time again I debate with myself about how I get from small impact to doing something that dramatically changes the course for centuries to come. Its not the fame or recognition or riches that I am looking for it is the feeling that I have fulfilled this mission, this purpose that pulls at me and I need to follow.

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