Friday, July 3, 2015

Happiness is not a finish line

6 months ago while my youngest brother was living in Antarctica I watched a TED talk from a man who went on an epic ice journey. His whole talk was fascinating and engaging but one line that he said has stuck in my head and caused me to reflect on it fairly consistently for the past 6 months. He said:

Happiness is not a finish line

In a society that is goal drive. Where we are taught that our value is based on our achievements this is against the grain but resounds as truth. How do we value and express the journey, which might be more important than the destination. How to express and share the content of our journey. I had dinner with some good friends the other day and they asked me if I felt like I was an adult. Without hesitation I said no. They both expressed their desire to feel like adults and the moments in the past 5 years that they feel were critical for them to achieve this feeling of adulthood. They both than shared that while they feel like adults they continue to look at those who are older than they are and have feelings similar to when they were a child watching adults and wishing they would hurry up and grow up.

As we progressed through dinner I  begun to wonder how we as individuals and society as a whole can achieve this perfect balance where we strive to improve, have goals and work towards achievements whilst ensuring that we find value, satisfaction and happiness whit where we are.

Somewhere in my teenage years I begun working in non profits and have continued down that path, while striving to learn new things and progress professionally I also came up with a mission of my own, that I would positively impact the lives of 100,000 people is a way that was traceable and tangible based on my actions. As I near the completion of this goal I am unsure what the next move should be. The past 15 years have been a journey that is uniquely mine but as I cross this self created finish line I am starting to look for the next accomplishment and I wonder if I should instead be looking for the journey most suited to personal happiness and ultimately where that perfect balance can be achieved.

The TED talk that got my mind spinning

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