Tuesday, September 4, 2018

stress about the state of the world

In a round about way this is a 9 month follow up to our 2018 donation goals and post that I made.

I am feeling an overwhelming stress about the state of the world.

We live a low impact life. Could we be better of course, but we are very low impact western metropolitan professionals.
- No kids
- Walk/ public transit to work
- Vegetarian (me)
- Any chance we can we buy things that are organic, sustainable and ethically produced

I have spent the past 20 years working on human development objectives (education, immigration, safe work environments, conflict resolution, community preparedness and resiliency).

My partner works in health care.

I have been to two protests in the past 4 months

We donate in an intentional way, 2017 was environmentally focused, 2018 is about creating a space for free speech 

But it just does not feel like enough. The stress and concern about the state of the world continues.

Tonight I feel my heart rate elevated and my jaw clenching as I think about trying to fall asleep and know that rights are being denied across the around the world and that climate change is occurring at an unexpectedly high rate.

As I write this I realize that I think it can all be boiled down to those two large statements.

Perhaps is the positive adrenaline from 2 donations (I was a bit behind in the monthly rotation) tonight. One supporting a K-6 art program in Texas, one supporting a local news paper in MN.

Perhaps its that we just purchased a high end water filter (Houston water is some of the scariest drinking water in a major us city).

Perhaps its that it is just late enough that I am getting overly sleepy and I know that I have a busy day making my small slice of the world better.

and perhaps its writing this down and helping streamline my thinking on it.

But whatever the reason I feel that my jaw slacken and my heart rate slow and that I might be able to fall asleep tonight. With tomorrow as a new day to consider how I can make an even larger impact on this world as we know it.

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