Sunday, May 31, 2020

today is today, today is a good day

Reflections are written and delayed posting not a reflection of current status, but a window into a past moment.

Every day and every moment we have a choice to make.

When the volume of need exceeds the capacity of response we have a choice to make.

Today I am riding that edge of more than can be done but today is today and today is a good day.

As we ride that edge, I look for any line, any space, anything that I can do to keep us on that edge a bit longer.

The potential to go tumbling down is there, miserable failure is a possibility but before we crash, before we tumble before we fail we will try.

I will try to alleviate suffering. 
I will try to create a system that is workable.
I will try to be at the forefront of humanitarian aid as we face new impacts of climate and social realities. 

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