Friday, June 15, 2012

Someone Is Going To Die Out On The Roads Up Here . . .

Someone Is Going To Die Out On The Roads Up Here . . .

Somehow, yesterday, when I posted my Weekenders report on this blog, I missed the second half of an e-mail sent to me by a Williston friend. I feel badly, because the most poignant parts were missing. So I’m going to reprint his e-mail in its entirety today. Here it is. There’s nothing I could add to this that would make his point any more effectively.
Here is the problem—-far too many things do not get reported.  We hear of all these sexual assaults but never read a word about it.  People know it is happening.  Talk to any person that works at social services about what they now see happening in the community.  Never a word is printed.  All of the assaults and fights with injuries—old news that is not worth printing anymore.  Fights every weekend at bars that require medical services.  A huge number of “hit and runs” HUGE number, Huge.  Never a word. 
Out of state license plates are everywhere.  Drive through any apartment parking lot and it is all out of state.  My neighbors still have WA plates after 15 months—and those are expired.  A huge percentage of workers that can’t pass a drug test with one company, but are hired by another. There are a lot of people that believe the city wants a lot of things kept quiet as to not alarm people, but also not to let too many negative things out there.  We all know many of our “city fathers” and local politicians are making a ton of money as long as this continues.
Then there are the everyday issues.  Try to get any type of medical treatment. Hope you do not have an accident because the body shops are 2 to 3 months out. Oil change, a couple weeks wait.  Motel rooms are non-existent.  Families that have some sort of tragedy and have relatives come, no place for them to stay—makes for a pleasant experience when they have to pile in a relative’s house and sleep on the floor the night before a funeral.  Day to day life is like no place else.   We sure are glad our state has a surplus. 
I would like to see our state politicians come to Williston on their own dime, find their own lodging, need some medical care, and have a car problem.  Not be shuttled around by the mayor and council.  Oh, and when they are driving they can see the nasty looking mancamps, the disgusting disregard for how our landscape has been trashed, trucks everywhere, the 350 vehicles they will meet between Alexander and Williston which is 24 miles.  We never see a deer or pheasant anymore.  Stories from drivers that have a contest to see just how many deer they can hit. Destroyed roads.  The land has been destroyed–it is not the scenic place it has been for ages.  Sad. 
Worst of all, snow today and tomorrow, which means someone is going to die out on the roads up here.
Wish this kind of stuff would make the Herald but do not expect that to happen.  Surplus is good for some, but the impact sure is expensive.  

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