Monday, December 7, 2020

Virtual Family Scavenger Hunt

Our family, like many, have tried several Family Zoom calls to help create connections during our physical distancing due to COVID.

They have been ok, I personally, am glad we keep trying but have found them less than I would hope. The three things I have noticed are:

1. Its a lot of people (11, including 2 kids under 5). 

2. The conversations don't flow super well (A side effect of the group call).

3. It is hard for everyone to be engaged.

One of my brothers and I started to brainstorm on something fun or different to try. The result was a virtual family scavenger hunt.

I built a quick PowerPoint deck to lay out the idea & then shared the slides with everyone. We allowed for 15 days from launch to zoom call, that way each household could do the hunting on their own time.

Giving back is something that is incredibly important to me, so added in that those who did not complete the hunt would donate to the Seattle Homeless Outreach.

I created a scavenger hunt list that had a COVID life flair & combined riddle clues and some that were just things to find.

Over the next few weeks, everyone e-mailed the pictures to me and I created a PowerPoint slide deck with the submissions

The Sunday after we wrapped up the scavenger hunt we had a family zoom call where I shared the PowerPoint slides.

Albeit with some minor technical difficulties, it was a fun way to guide the conversation, kept people engaged, and gave a logical chance for everyone to be part of the conversation.

It was a success and has opened up the possibilities of trying more things other than just chatting via Zoom as we continue to navigate staying home and staying safe.

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