Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Our adventure thus far…
Our adventure started at 5am where we drank some juice and got ready to depart. Chirs and Eli accompanied us to the air port and wished us all the best. Checking in with United was horrid, the woman at the counter was as un helpful as could be and told us that our tickets were not in the computer and that we would need to contact the web site that we caught out tickets through. 20 min later while I was working my way through the computer phone system trying to get in contact with a person the United check in woman told me never mind they are right here…. Seriously???? I am happy to report that from there on we had smooth sailing! Air India was fantastic, large seats, personal TV options and meals!!! Our brief layover in Germany was spent mostly on a bus that drove us out to the plane, but I can say I have been to Europe now =) Our hotel pick up was waiting at the airport and ready to take us on the most extreme driving experience that we have yet to be on, the whole airport area is under massive construction due to the fact that they are building a whole new rail metro in the airport area. Our 20 min ride to the hotel was more like a theme park thrill ride than a car ride, however we arrived safely and have enjoyed our air conditioned room =) Today we adventured out to a near by market and got ourselves a bit of local wear and are now back at the hotel looking for afternoon ideas!!

1 comment:

  1. OMG. I am so excited that you guys are blogging about India -I'll be reading :) xoxo
