Friday, March 5, 2010

A few more thoughts while I wait for the bus at an internet cafe

The other morning we woke up and saw a large ox outside our window, noted how interesting it was to have a large ox on a city street in Delhi, and than chose to go back to sleep, still suffering from jet leg. Several hours latter woke back up and looked out the same window and where the ox had been earlier was now replaced by a man getting a shave... wondered about this and than went out shopping. Sometime that afternoon we got back to the hotel and one more time looked out our window, now the ox was back and a new man was next to it getting a shave.

CNN in India is way more interesting than in the USA. They seem to have WAY more things to cover, so they do not loop the stories every 15min like they do in the US.

Stray Dogs: After working with ACS in San Antonio my interest in animal populations and how it relates to overall development has increased greatly. I can not tell you much about the stray dogs yet, except that they exist. This photo journal captures what we have been seeing

Cheep plastic straws, think about how soft straws are in the USA, now think about how soft plastic wrap is... the straws here are more like plastic wrap

India coke tastes different than coke other places. Also a common practice to reuse coke bottles so many times that you can have a bottle that is easily 15 years old. Best recycling ever!

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